My New Year resolutions

I am not usually inclined to make resolutions, but always make an exception for New Year�s day. Its a day that comes around only once a year and one must do something to make it special. So, while I sipped my Tequila Sour and tried to tune out the loud Spanish music in the restaurant, I resolved to do certain things this year:
1. Sing at least one Rafi and one Asha Bhosle song per day, even though my neighbours complain of noise pollution and the Society for Prevention of Cruelty to Golden Oldies bays for my blood.
2. Include more bell-bottoms, loud prints and big-sunglasses in my wardrobe (I already did that, but then Govinda stole my wardrobe. So now, I have to start all over again!).

3. Try to curl my hair like Hedy Lamarr�s and not give up trying, even if it makes her want to pull her own hair.
4. Curb my DVD buying sprees, so my bank balance and my shelves can, both, breathe easy for a while.
5. Have a more fabulous dream-sequence than the King Khan himself can contrive � a dream sequence that naturally features Shashi Kapoor, Vinod Khanna, Kabir Bedi, and other such err� men of substance.
And the final and most important resolution of all:
6.Try to REMEMBER my resolutions for at least a week after the effect of Tequila Sour and my Mexican vacation have worn off.
Anything else that I actually have a chance of achieving, I�ll save for my *to-do* list.
Happy New Year 2010, all of you!!!!
