It's baaack!

Color has returned to Michele Bachmann's official campaign wardrobe. And not just any color.

For this Iowa campaign ad, she wore canary yellow:

After weeks of gray, Rep. Bachmann appears to have chosen a jacket for this video that we saw at least once before: when she introduced Sarah Palin at a Minnesota campaign rally last April.

This choice is significant for two reasons:
1. It diverges from her apparent strategy of trying to look more "neutral" by wearing mostly gray, black and white and toning down her jewelry, at least in the mainstream press.
2. The previous look was widely commented on as being unserious and dated, although that may have just been a result of her close proximity to Palin's outrageously over-accessorized look that day.

This jacket is actually a lot more successful in this video because she's by herself and in a natural setting, which can offset the bright saturation of the color. When she was surrounded by other people in harsh stage lighting at the rally, the color drowned her out. This jacket depends heavily on context.
