Ed Lyon

English tenor Ed Lyon is an out gay man who, at the drop of a hat, poses without his shirt on, much to his fans� delight. The 34-year-old singer, one of Britain�s leading young tenors, is extremely easy on the eyes, and his body shows evidence of all the time he spends in the gym while following a strict, healthy diet. Lucky us.

He is also outspoken about where he thinks opera needs to go. He recently told Time Out magazine, "Telly and cinema have made a big impact on the way we view other forms. The idea that opera is just fat people getting up to sing is a complete fallacy. The days of �park and bark� are over � we don't just waddle up and sing from where we're standing, we also have to act convincingly."

Lyon did not at first pursue a career in opera. �I did a lot of acting at school, and I found out that I could sing. I was in choirs. I was an alto until I was 18, then I started singing tenor. Opera was an obvious solution to wanting to be an actor but also having a singing voice.�

He has always been completely open about his homosexuality. �Let's be honest,� he said. �Opera isn't known as the most homophobic of industries.�

Lyon got his first big break when baroque specialist William Christie cast him in Handel's opera �Hercules�, and he has had an extraordinary career so far. Among the many highlights, he cites �Pygmalion� with The Trisha Brown Dance Company, Freddy in �My Fair Lady� and singing at La Scala in Milan.

His piercing blue eyes and stubbly beard push all the right buttons. Click the �photos� link on his official web site, and you�ll see that he�s partial to bare skin.
Go on. You know you want to:

Now have a look at our tenor in action. Here he sings an early opera (Monteverdi) clad in only a sleeveless tunic. Note that the audio and video are slightly out of sync. For you impatient types, Mr. Lyon starts singing at the 2:05 timing mark.

His Twitter page identifies himself as:
�Tenor, undercover Yorkshireman, architecture and gym bore. Proud to be in #teamgay - bf of the wonderful Harry McIver.�
