33 Reasons That Would Make You Visit Auckland Right Now

Auckland, the biggest city in New Zealand has been ranked one of the best cities to live in the world and if one wonders what is so special about this city, here we go. A little insight about why Auckland is so special that everyone want to move here. With this article, it gives you 33 reasons that would make you visit Auckland right now which are just few of those many many reasons why.

1. One of the typical views of the city's skyline looks like this
Source: Flickr

2. Then the view of the city from a skyscrapper
Source: TravelNation.co.uk
3. There are beautiful beaches in every suburb in and around Auckland
Source: Pinterest
4. Redefining the word 'Beautiful'
Source: Flickr-chris_gin
5. The surrounding areas of the city aren't so bad as well like the Hunua falls
Source: NewZealand.com
6. The lantern festival in Auckland is always so captivating
Source: Emaze
7. So is the blue lights at sunrise at Auckland museum
Source: chris_gin
8. Take a look at the graffiti at Mangere Bridge walkway
Pinterest-Steve Lawton
9. Or a view at dusk of Murray Bay
Source: Denriadi-Deviantart
10. With the entire place looking like this
Source: Denriadi-Deviantart
11. Surrounded by islands that looks stunning like this
Source: GeoffBilling
12. All these islands are easily accessible catching a ferry from the Auckland Ferry building
Source: Flickr- David Gee
13. While the ferry journey to those islands being even be more interesting
Source: AllCountries.org
14. Auckland is truly known as 'The City of Sails'
Source: UnEarthingAsia
15. With Auckland having more boats per capita than anywhere else in the world
Source: Black Tomato
16. These boats just makes the city even more interesting and beautiful
Source: Scribbles NZ
17. Auckland never disappoints you with its food.
Source: MetroEats
18. Or Ice-cream
Source: Foods Spotting
Source: Halboor
19. A glance of the city's Civic Theatre from outside
Source: TransportBlog
20. and inside
Source: Jontynz.com
21. The Auckland Pride is a celebration for everyone in the city.
Source: EventFinda
22. That even the Auckland museum goes all rainbows
Source: Diversions
23. The Christmas Fever in Auckland is magical.
Auckland's Christmas spirit is unlike anywhere else.
Flickr: Russelstreet
24. Auckland is one of the first cities in the world to celebrate New Year every year and the celebration is never disappointing.
Source: justgiver.wordpress.com
25. The bars here are as vibrant as the city
Source: EventFinda
26. And you'll never run out of options for places to eat out.
Source: AucklandNZ
27. The cafe culture of Auckland reflects the diversity of the city
Source. DesignAndTheCity
28. The city holds pride on how much culturally diverse the population is
Source: sginz.org
29. Every corner of the street has an amazing street art
Source: NewZealand ArtWork Blog

Source: Leon Keer
30. And it is the city of thrills as well
Source: AucklandMarathon
31. Where everyday is an amazing roller coaster ride
Source: Expedia
32. The city is also surrounded by dormant and extinct volcanoes that gives a spectacular view.
Source: GottaLoveNZ
33. And then moving somewhere else from here is hard once you're in the 'Auckland State of Mind'
Source: YourDestination88
