Mob attacks Nigerian students in Greater Noida (India)

Four African (NIgerian) students were beaten horribly by residents of Greater Noida on Monday, 27th March 2017. The local residents even demanded that all Africans living as tenants in residential colonies of Greater Noida should be asked to vacate the houses immediately.

This outburst against the Africans came after five Nigerian students were picked by the police over the death of Class XII (12th, 2nd year) student Manish Khari due to suspected drug overdose.

"We kept crying for help, but no one came, not even the security marshals. I was running but they followed me and attacked me," Enduranca Amalawa, 21. His brother Precious Amalawa, not seen in the video, locked himself inside a trial room but the attackers broke down the door and hit him with sharp objects. A third man, their friend named Chkwoma Igboamalo, was chased and beaten on the road.

In the footage, no one tries to help the man or stop the attack.

Enduranca Amalawa, an economics student at a local university, is seen in the footage curled up on the floor, trying to block repeated blows from the mob, which thrashes him with a table, stools, bins, covers and whatever the attackers can grab.

"They didn't know me, why did they attack me? I don't understand why wealthy people, dressed well, driving big cars would want to kill us," said Enduranca, breaking down.

Why are we treated like animals asked the other victim after they were beaten with steel dustbins and rods.



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greater noida, india, nigeria, nigerian, mob attack, shopping mall, nigerian students, uttar pradesh, african, noida, manish khari, drug overdose, yogi adityanath, video, racist, ansal plaza, footage,

greater noida, india, nigeria, nigerian, mob attack, shopping mall, nigerian students, uttar pradesh, african, noida, manish khari, drug overdose, yogi adityanath, video, racist, ansal plaza, footage,

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